Manage Your Subscription

You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time.


Cancelling your subscription stops payments for the next subscription period and beyond. Therefore, after completing the cancellation, you can still use the membership duration that you have already obtained for the current subscription period. Alternatively, you can click the "Do not cancel" button to resume your subscription.

-> How to cancel your subscription

-> What happens when you cancel your subscription

Upgrades and Downgrades

Upgraded and downgrade subscriptions will take effect immediately. You can upgrade or downgrade on the Pricing page.

If the subscription period remains the same, you will only need to pay for the remaining days of the current month at the new plan rate (with adjustments for proration) when you change plans, and the automatic billing date each month will not change.

If the subscription period changes, you will need to immediately pay the total price for the first cycle of the new subscription (with adjustments for proration), and the date of the change plan will become the new billing date.
It is particularly important to note that if you upgrade your subscription during a trial period, the trial will end immediately. You will be charged right away and switched to the new subscription plan.

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