How does Proration work?

The remaining value of your old subscription will be applied as a credit towards your new subscription fees.
  • For example, if the remaining value of your old subscription is $10, and the initial payment for your new subscription is $25, then you will only need to pay $15 ($25 - $10 = $15). If the remaining value of your old subscription is $10 and the initial payment for your new subscription is only $8, then you will pay nothing for the first period of your new subscription, and the remaining $2 will be credited towards your payment for the second period.
Please note that proration automatically applies only if you upgrade directly from your old subscription to a new one. If you first cancel your subscription and then subscribe to a new plan, the remaining days of your old subscription will be retained in your account, but their value will not be used to offset the cost of the new subscription.

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