-> 3.2.2 Arrangement View


Track List

Blank Track: The initial state of a track. You can drag MIDI content onto it to turn it into a Singer Track, or drag audio content onto it to turn it into an Audio Track.

Singer Track: A track for hosting and singing MIDI clips. It uses MIDI content. Learn more about it, please refer to [3.3-Using AI Singers] and [3.4-Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio]. When dragging audio content, you can use the [Converting Acapella to MIDI & Lyrics] function to recognize it as MIDI content. Learn more about it, please refer to [3.7-Converting Acapella to MIDI & Lyrics].

Audio Track: A track for hosting and playing audio clips. Learn more about it, please refer to [3.4-Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio].

Add Track: Click the Cross Button to create a new blank track at the bottom of the track list. Right click on any track and select the "Create New Blank Track" option to create a new blank track below the track selected. Short cut [Ctrl]+[T](Windows) / [Command]+[T](Mac).

Mute and Solo:

  • Mute Button: The small triangle button at the top left of each track is the Mute button. Click it to control whether the track outputs sound or not.
  • Solo Button: When the mixer is collapsed, hover your mouse over the bottom right of a track to make the Solo button pop up. Click it to control whether the track outputs sound exclusively. To solo multiple tracks together, hold down [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) while clicking mutilple Solo buttons. Solo takes priority over Mute. If the track is soloed, sound will be outputed regardless of whether Mute is enabled or not.

Track Color: The color of a track will be reflected in the Mute triangle and the content on the track. You can change the color in the right-click menu on the track.

Master Track: You can find the Master Track at the top of the mixer. After all of the above tracks' sounds are collected, they are outputed through the Master Track to the playback device.

Mixer: Click the Mixer button or use the [M] shortcut key to expand the interface that controls all tracks. For each track, the interface allows you to adjust the volume and pan, switch Mute mode on and off, switch Solo mode on and off, and rename the track by double-clicking on the track name.

Time Ruler

Time moves from left to right in the arrangement view, and the time ruler shows in beat-time.
The time ruler also carries tempo tags and loop brace. Learn more in [ 3.9 - Time Ruler].

Timeline, Marker-line, and Selection

Timeline: The timeline is a marker which indicates the playback position. And it is only displayed during playback. Press [space] to start playback from the marker-line position; Press [Shift]+[space] to continue playback from the last paused position.
Marker-line: The marker-line indicates the position of the next playback and the position for editing. Click anywhere in the time ruler to make the marker-line and timeline jump, which is by default magnetized to the grid. Press [Ctrl] (Windows) /[Command] (Mac) to allow the marker-line to detach from the grid.
Selection: The selection indicates the area for editing and can be created by dragging anywhere on the grid. It is magnetized to the grid by default. Press [Ctrl] (Windows) /[Command] (Mac) to allow the selection to detach from the grid. After creating a selection, the marker-line becomes the left boundary of the selection. Clicking on the title bar of any clip establishes a selection within that clip.


A clip contains vocal or audio content, with its vertical position in the arrangement corresponding to the track it belongs to, and its horizontal position indicating the start position and duration of its content. For more details, please refer to [ 3.4-Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio].

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