3.3 Using AI Singers

Each Official AI singer has a distinctive personality with outstanding vocal quality and performance. They are proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese. And each has their native language for singing. You can choose a suitable singer for your current project based on their tags. Or create a new one yourself.


Insert Existing Singers:

To insert a singer into a track, simply drag and drop the singer from the singer library into an empty track or a track with a singer already inserted.After inserting a singer,

  • If the track name is unnamed, it will default to the same name as the singer.

    If inserted on an empty track, the track's default language will apply with the [Default Singing Language] setting on [Preference]:
    • [In Interface Language] (This is the default option)
    • [In Singer's Native Language]
    • [In English]/[In Chinese]/[In Japanese]
  • If replacing a singer on an existing track, the track's default language will not synchronize with the new singer.
  • All clips on the track need to be re-synthsised before playback.

Create a new singer:

Voice Seeds determine the timbre and singing style of each AI singer, and each official singer has a corresponding voice seed.

When a singer track is selected, you can view the voice seed corresponding to that singer in the Track Control Panel. You can drag multiple voice seeds from the Voice Seed Library to the VoiceMix Panel and adjust the blending ratio of each seed to create a completely new singer.
To create a completely new vocal from the Voice Seed Library, first insert a "Blank Seed Vocal" from the "Custom Singer" category in the singer library into a singer track or an empty track, and you will get a completely blank VoiceMix Panel.
  • Voice Seed: You can drag them to rearrange them in order. When selected, press [Delete] or [Backspace] to remove the seed from the blend.
  • Timbre blend ratio: Controls the percentage of participation of this voice seed in the timbre dimension. You can drag the slider to adjust it or double-click the number to input a value.
  • Style blend ratio: Controls the percentage of participation of this voice seed in the singing style dimension. You can drag the slider to adjust it or double-click the number to input a value.
  • Ratio binding: Click to turn on/off. When turned on, it automatically synchronizes the singing style blend ratio with the timbre blend ratio. When turned off, you can adjust the participation percentage of the two dimensions exclusively.
  • MixRecipe: There are three selectable icons from top to bottom:
    • The "VoiceMix" icon represents the complete blend recipe of the VoiceMix Panel. When it is selected, you can use the shortcut key to copy it. Then select the "VoiceMix" icon in another track's VoiceMix Panel and use the shortcut key to paste it. Therefore, this replaces the entire recipe. When replaced, the original blend recipe of the second track will be cleared.
    • The "Timbre" icon represents the timbre blend recipe of the VoiceMix Panel. You can copy only the timbre recipe to another track in the same way as above. When pasted, the original timbre recipe of the second track will be cleared.
    • The "Style" icon represents the singing style blend recipe of the VoiceMix Panel. You can copy only the singing style recipe to another track in the same way as above. When pasted, the original singing style recipe of the second track will be cleared.
  • Custom singer name: Double-click to edit the name of the custom singer.
  • Custom singer avatar: Click the avatar to change.

Save your custom singer:

Click "Save" in the upper right corner of the VoiceMix Panel to open the save confirmation window. In the window, you can choose an avatar, edit the name and edit the tags of your custom singer. And after clicking "Save", this information along with the current complete recipe will be saved as a new and independent singer to the "Custom Singers" category in the singer library.
After successfully saving, if you modify the blend recipe of this custom singer again, you can click "Save" to overwrite the current version, or click "Save As" to save it as a new and independent singer in the same way as before.

Edit custom singer profile:

In the singer library, right-click on the custom singer, and you will see the "Edit Profile" option in the menu. Click on it, and you can modify the avatar, the name, and the tags of this singer in the pop-up window. If you want to modify the VoiceMix recipe, you need to insert this singer into a track first . Then make your changes and save them manually.

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