3.11 Exporting and Saving


You can save or save the project as a new file in the "File" menu, with the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[S] (Windows) / [Command]+[S] (Mac) for "save" and shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[S] (Windows) / [Command]+[Shift]+[S] (Mac) for "save as".
During project startup, an automatic backup will be made every 10 seconds. The automatic backup will be cleared after a normal exit, but will be preserved in case of unexpected crashes. The ACE Studio will proactively ask if you want to open the backup project at the next launch.
The project will be saved as a folder in the specified directory, which includes:
  • Project file *.acep
  • "Autosave" folder containing automatic backups during project startup and the last 10 historical manually saved backups
You can move the audio files used in the project into the project folder. If the original audio file path is lost when the project is restarted, ACE Studio will automatically look for it in the project directory.

Export Audio

Clicking the audio export option on the right side of the transport bar will bring up the export settings window. You can export selected tracks and time ranges as audio files in the specified format, with the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[R] (Windows) / [Command]+[Shift]+[R] (Mac).


Select "Export MIDI/Utaformatix file" in the "File" menu to bring up the export settings window. You can export single/multi-track MIDI content within the selection as *.mid or *.ufdata files, with the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[E] (Windows) / [Command]+[Shift]+[E] (Mac).
In addition to exporting notes, you can also decide whether to include lyrics and phonemes in the export settings window. You can also choose to merge multi-track content into one file or export each and every MIDI track one by one.

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