-> 3.2.5 Clip View



To resize the Clip View, hover the mouse over the top edge of the Clip View, then drag up and down when the mouse pointer changes to a vertical drag arrow.

In the upper right corner of the Clip View title bar, you can control the panel's collapse/expand behavior with a single click:
  • Click [Open] / [Close], the Clip View will be restored to the last manually adjusted size, and the shortcut key to control this is [Shift+Tab].
  • Click [Max] / [Fix], You can also maximize or restore the Clip View to its previous size.

Singing Editor

When a MIDI clip is selected on the arrangement view, the Clip View will turn into the Singing Editor and display the corresponding clip content for editing:
  • When the marker-line is positioned on a clip, the piano roll view displays that clip.
  • When dragging a selection on the arrangement view, the Singing Editor displays the last clip entered in the selection.
  • When holding down [Shift] to select multiple clips and creating a selection on the arrangement view, the Singing Editor displays the first clip selected or the first clip in the first track of the selection.

From left to right, the title bar of the Singing Editor includes the clip-name, the piano roll grid menu, the note/pitch editing tools, and the note-language setting.
In the middle of the Singing Editor, there is a grid for editing notes and pitches. The note scale position is shown vertically and beat-time horizontally. The left side displays the piano keys, note names, and scale settings. Below are the parameter drawing panel and parameter selection tabs. You can resize the parameter panel by dragging its top edge.

  • Similar to the arrangement view, time progresses in beat-time from left to right in the Singing Editor.
  • The TimeRuler in the Singing Editor also carries tempo tags and loop brace. For details, please refer to [3.9 - TimeRuler].
Timeline, Marker-line, and Selection:
  • There is only one timeline globally, which is displayed simultaneously in the arrangement view and the singing editor during playback.
  • The marker-line in the singing editor is independent of the arrangement view and indicates the position for operating notes and the next playback. Click anywhere on the grid to make it jump. And it is snapped to the grid by default. Press [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) to release the snap.
  • The selection in the singing editor indicates the range for operating notes and parameters. Drag to create a selection on the grid, and it is snapped to the grid by default. Press [Ctrl] (Windows system)/[Command] (Mac system) to release the snap. After a selection is created, the marker-line will locate on the left boundary of the selection.
  • When you are editing in the singing editor and [Space] is pressed, it will start playing from the marker-line position in the singing editor. After pressing [Shift] + [Space], the timeline continues playing from the last paused position.Learn more about editing in the singing editor, please refer to [3.6 - Editing and Tuning].

Audio View

You can see the Audio View by selecting an audio clip in the arrangement view
  • You can modify the volume of each audio clip in Audio View.
  • There are two AI tools on the left side of Audio View
    • For dry acapella clips: Click [Convert] to convert this audio into MIDI and lyrics in a new singer track below
    • For instrument clips: Click [Analyze] to analyze the tempo of this audio

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