3. Learning about ACE Studio
3.1 Setting up Preference

In the preferences window, you can set the interface language, set flipping animation, set audio I/O options, and check for updates.
On Windows systems, you can find the preferences in the [File] menu in the upper-left corner of the main screen.
On Mac systems, you can find the preferences in the [ACE Studio] menu in the Menu bar.
In the [General] category, you can:
- Set the interface language of ACE Studio. After setting the language, you need to restart the software to take effect.
- Set the animation style for the automatic page flipping of the arrangement view and clip view in playback mode.
- (Mac system only) Check the installation status of ACE Bridge.
In the [Audio] category, you can:
- Set the device driver type, audio I/O ports, and manage the channels of audio output.
- Decide whether to show the audio device changing dialog when new device change detected.
- Set the sample rate for playback.
If your ACE Studio sounds abnormal or doesn't play any sound at all, please check whether the audio settings are correct. Note that when you turn on "audio enhancements" on your Windows, it might cause ACE Studio to sound noisy.
In the [Updates] category, you can check for the latest version of ACE Studio and manually update it. (Usually, if there is a new version available, ACE Studio will automatically pop up an enquiry dialog for updates when it launches.)
3.2 The Main ACE Studio Screen
After logging-in, you can see the main ACE Studio screen is divided into several functional areas as shown in the picture below.

[1] Title Bar and Main Control

Transport includes the account center, tempo and beats/bar settings, playback control, flipping control, and rendering control. Learn more in [
Panel Display Switch
Show / Dismiss the Singer Library Panel. Shortcut [Shift + S]. Learn more about Singer Library in [
Show / Dismiss the Track Control Panel. Shortcut [C]. Learn more about Track Control Panel in [
Show / Dismiss the Mixer Panel. Shortcut [M]. Learn more about Mixer in [
Project Info
The project name and the save status for the output file will be displayed here. For details of the save function, please refer to [
3.11-Exporting and Saving]
Arrangement Overview
The Arrangement Overview always shows the complete range of the project, from start to end.
The white rectangular outline represents the part that is currently visible in the Arrangement View.
To adjust the visible area, you can click anywhere in the Arrangement Overview or drag the outlined rectangular to the left or right.
[2] Arrangement View

Track List
Blank Track: The initial state of a track. You can drag MIDI content onto it to turn it into a Singer Track, or drag audio content onto it to turn it into an Audio Track.
Singer Track: A track for hosting and singing MIDI clips. It uses MIDI content. Learn more about it, please refer to [3.3-Using AI Singers] and [3.4-Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio]. When dragging audio content, you can use the [Converting Acapella to MIDI & Lyrics] function to recognize it as MIDI content. Learn more about it, please refer to [3.7-Converting Acapella to MIDI & Lyrics].
Audio Track: A track for hosting and playing audio clips. Learn more about it, please refer to [3.4-Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio].
Add Track: Click the Cross Button to create a new blank track at the bottom of the track list. Right click on any track and select the "Create New Blank Track" option to create a new blank track below the track selected. Short cut [Ctrl]+[T](Windows) / [Command]+[T](Mac).
Mute and Solo:
- Mute Button: The small triangle button at the top left of each track is the Mute button. Click it to control whether the track outputs sound or not.
- Solo Button: When the mixer is collapsed, hover your mouse over the bottom right of a track to make the Solo button pop up. Click it to control whether the track outputs sound exclusively. To solo multiple tracks together, hold down [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) while clicking mutilple Solo buttons. Solo takes priority over Mute. If the track is soloed, sound will be outputed regardless of whether Mute is enabled or not.
Track Color: The color of a track will be reflected in the Mute triangle and the content on the track. You can change the color in the right-click menu on the track.
Master Track: You can find the Master Track at the top of the mixer. After all of the above tracks' sounds are collected, they are outputed through the Master Track to the playback device.
Mixer: Click the Mixer button or use the [M] shortcut key to expand the interface that controls all tracks. For each track, the interface allows you to adjust the volume and pan, switch Mute mode on and off, switch Solo mode on and off, and rename the track by double-clicking on the track name.
Time Ruler
Time moves from left to right in the arrangement view, and the time ruler shows in beat-time.
The time ruler also carries tempo tags and loop brace. Learn more in [
3.9 - Time Ruler].
Timeline, Marker-line, and Selection
Timeline: The timeline is a marker which indicates the playback position. And it is only displayed during playback. Press [space] to start playback from the marker-line position; Press [Shift]+[space] to continue playback from the last paused position.
Marker-line: The marker-line indicates the position of the next playback and the position for editing. Click anywhere in the time ruler to make the marker-line and timeline jump, which is by default magnetized to the grid. Press [Ctrl] (Windows) /[Command] (Mac) to allow the marker-line to detach from the grid.
Selection: The selection indicates the area for editing and can be created by dragging anywhere on the grid. It is magnetized to the grid by default. Press [Ctrl] (Windows) /[Command] (Mac) to allow the selection to detach from the grid. After creating a selection, the marker-line becomes the left boundary of the selection. Clicking on the title bar of any clip establishes a selection within that clip.
A clip contains vocal or audio content, with its vertical position in the arrangement corresponding to the track it belongs to, and its horizontal position indicating the start position and duration of its content. For more details, please refer to [
3.4-Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio].
[3] Singer Library

All official AI singers and all custom singers you created are listed in the Singer Library. Simply drag any singer into the singer track to insert this AI singer.
Search Bar
Enter the keywords to search for matching singer names and tags.
Hot Tags
There are several common singer tags provided. Clicking on a tag will directly search for matching singers.
Category Titles
Category titles indicate two singer categories. They are custom singers and official AI singers. Click on the title to collapse or expand the singer list of that category.
AI Singer
Each AI singer is displayed with a name, an avatar and several tags. Official AI singers also contain commercial license access entrance. For more details, please refer to [
4-Credit and Commercial License].
Learn more about using AI singers and creating custom singers, please refer to [
3.3-Using AI Singers].
[4] Track Control Panel

Output Control
You can edit the track name, output volume and pan here. You can also edit these settings in the mixer.
For Singer Track
Below the output control are the VoiceMix panel and Voice Seed Library for editing the avatar, name, timbre, and singing style of the AI singer on this track. For details, please refer to [
3.3 - Using AI Singer].
For Empty Track
You can convert the empty track to an audio track or a singer track by clicking the button.
For Audio Track
No other functions currently available.
[5] Clip View

ResizingTo resize the Clip View, hover the mouse over the top edge of the Clip View, then drag up and down when the mouse pointer changes to a vertical drag arrow.
In the upper right corner of the Clip View title bar, you can control the panel's collapse/expand behavior with a single click:
- Click [Open] / [Close], the Clip View will be restored to the last manually adjusted size, and the shortcut key to control this is [Shift+Tab].
- Click [Max] / [Fix], You can also maximize or restore the Clip View to its previous size.
Singing Editor
When a MIDI clip is selected on the arrangement view, the Clip View will turn into the Singing Editor and display the corresponding clip content for editing:
- When the marker-line is positioned on a clip, the piano roll view displays that clip.
- When dragging a selection on the arrangement view, the Singing Editor displays the last clip entered in the selection.
- When holding down [Shift] to select multiple clips and creating a selection on the arrangement view, the Singing Editor displays the first clip selected or the first clip in the first track of the selection.
From left to right, the title bar of the Singing Editor includes the clip-name, the piano roll grid menu, the note/pitch editing tools, and the note-language setting.
In the middle of the Singing Editor, there is a grid for editing notes and pitches. The note scale position is shown vertically and beat-time horizontally. The left side displays the piano keys, note names, and scale settings. Below are the parameter drawing panel and parameter selection tabs. You can resize the parameter panel by dragging its top edge.
- Similar to the arrangement view, time progresses in beat-time from left to right in the Singing Editor.
- The TimeRuler in the Singing Editor also carries tempo tags and loop brace. For details, please refer to [3.9 - TimeRuler].
Timeline, Marker-line, and Selection:
- There is only one timeline globally, which is displayed simultaneously in the arrangement view and the singing editor during playback.
- The marker-line in the singing editor is independent of the arrangement view and indicates the position for operating notes and the next playback. Click anywhere on the grid to make it jump. And it is snapped to the grid by default. Press [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) to release the snap.
- The selection in the singing editor indicates the range for operating notes and parameters. Drag to create a selection on the grid, and it is snapped to the grid by default. Press [Ctrl] (Windows system)/[Command] (Mac system) to release the snap. After a selection is created, the marker-line will locate on the left boundary of the selection.
- When you are editing in the singing editor and [Space] is pressed, it will start playing from the marker-line position in the singing editor. After pressing [Shift] + [Space], the timeline continues playing from the last paused position.Learn more about editing in the singing editor, please refer to [3.6 - Editing and Tuning].
Audio View

You can see the Audio View by selecting an audio clip in the arrangement view
- You can modify the volume of each audio clip in Audio View.
- There are two AI tools on the left side of Audio View
- For dry acapella clips: Click [Convert] to convert this audio into MIDI and lyrics in a new singer track below
- For instrument clips: Click [Analyze] to analyze the tempo of this audio
3.3 Using AI Singers
Each Official AI singer has a distinctive personality with outstanding vocal quality and performance. They are proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese. And each has their native language for singing. You can choose a suitable singer for your current project based on their tags. Or create a new one yourself.

Insert Existing Singers:To insert a singer into a track, simply drag and drop the singer from the singer library into an empty track or a track with a singer already inserted.After inserting a singer,
If the track name is unnamed, it will default to the same name as the singer.
If inserted on an empty track, the track's default language will apply with the [Default Singing Language] setting on [Preference]:
- [In Interface Language] (This is the default option)
- [In Singer's Native Language]
- [In English]/[In Chinese]/[In Japanese]
- If replacing a singer on an existing track, the track's default language will not synchronize with the new singer.
- All clips on the track need to be re-synthsised before playback.

Create a new singer:
Voice Seeds determine the timbre and singing style of each AI singer, and each official singer has a corresponding voice seed.
When a singer track is selected, you can view the voice seed corresponding to that singer in the Track Control Panel. You can drag multiple voice seeds from the Voice Seed Library to the VoiceMix Panel and adjust the blending ratio of each seed to create a completely new singer.
To create a completely new vocal from the Voice Seed Library, first insert a "Blank Seed Vocal" from the "Custom Singer" category in the singer library into a singer track or an empty track, and you will get a completely blank VoiceMix Panel.
- Voice Seed: You can drag them to rearrange them in order. When selected, press [Delete] or [Backspace] to remove the seed from the blend.
- Timbre blend ratio: Controls the percentage of participation of this voice seed in the timbre dimension. You can drag the slider to adjust it or double-click the number to input a value.
- Style blend ratio: Controls the percentage of participation of this voice seed in the singing style dimension. You can drag the slider to adjust it or double-click the number to input a value.
- Ratio binding: Click to turn on/off. When turned on, it automatically synchronizes the singing style blend ratio with the timbre blend ratio. When turned off, you can adjust the participation percentage of the two dimensions exclusively.
- MixRecipe: There are three selectable icons from top to bottom:
- The "VoiceMix" icon represents the complete blend recipe of the VoiceMix Panel. When it is selected, you can use the shortcut key to copy it. Then select the "VoiceMix" icon in another track's VoiceMix Panel and use the shortcut key to paste it. Therefore, this replaces the entire recipe. When replaced, the original blend recipe of the second track will be cleared.
- The "Timbre" icon represents the timbre blend recipe of the VoiceMix Panel. You can copy only the timbre recipe to another track in the same way as above. When pasted, the original timbre recipe of the second track will be cleared.
- The "Style" icon represents the singing style blend recipe of the VoiceMix Panel. You can copy only the singing style recipe to another track in the same way as above. When pasted, the original singing style recipe of the second track will be cleared.
- Custom singer name: Double-click to edit the name of the custom singer.
- Custom singer avatar: Click the avatar to change.
Save your custom singer:
Click "Save" in the upper right corner of the VoiceMix Panel to open the save confirmation window. In the window, you can choose an avatar, edit the name and edit the tags of your custom singer. And after clicking "Save", this information along with the current complete recipe will be saved as a new and independent singer to the "Custom Singers" category in the singer library.
After successfully saving, if you modify the blend recipe of this custom singer again, you can click "Save" to overwrite the current version, or click "Save As" to save it as a new and independent singer in the same way as before.
Edit custom singer profile:
In the singer library, right-click on the custom singer, and you will see the "Edit Profile" option in the menu. Click on it, and you can modify the avatar, the name, and the tags of this singer in the pop-up window. If you want to modify the VoiceMix recipe, you need to insert this singer into a track first . Then make your changes and save them manually.
3.4 Creating and Importing MIDI or Audio

3.4.1 Importing MIDI clips
Importing/Dragging from files: Place the marker-line in the location where you want to place the clip on the track, then select "Import" from the "File" menu to import a prepared MIDI or UFDATA file, or directly drag and drop a MIDI or UFDATA format file into the track. Release the mouse button to place the MIDI clip at the marker-line position. MIDI files can carry tempo and lyrics information, while UFDATA files can carry tempo, lyrics, and phoneme information. You can import a multi-track file or multiple files at the same time. However, note that you can not place MIDI clips on an audio track or import corrupted MIDI/UFDATA files.
3.4.2 Creating MIDI clips
Double-click on the blank area of a singer track, and a 4-bar empty MIDI clip will be created. You can then write vocal content for this newly created clip in the singing editor.
3.4.3 Importing Audio Clips
Importing/Dragging from File: Place the marker-line in the position where you want to place the clip on the track, and select "Import" from the "File" menu to import the audio file or directly drag the audio file into the track. Release the mouse button to place the audio at the marker-line position. Supported audio formats include *.mp3 / *.m4a / *.wav / *.flac / *.ogg / *.aac / *.ape. However, please note that you can not place audio clips on the singer track, and you can not import damaged or files in other formats.
3.4.4 Recording Audio
Setting up Audio Preferences:
Before recording, please set up the audio I/O, sample rate, buffer size.
Prepare the Audio Track:
Select one audio track and open the Track Control Panel(Shortcut Key [C]), then you will see the Input Channel Selections, Recording Switch, Monitoring Switch. Select the right Input Channel which your microphone is plugged into your audio interface.
Turning on the [Recording Switch] indicates that this track will join the recording. You can only use one track for recording currently.
Turning on the [Monitoring Switch] indicates that you will hear the inputted audio signal in real-time while seeing it appear on the track meter.
Start Recording:
Place the marker-line where you want to start recording. Click the [Record] button in the Main Control (Shortcut Key [R]) to start recording.
- While recording, you will hear the count-in click for 1 bar by default (You can change the count-in duration or turn it off in the [Preference]-[Audio]). The playback starts after the count-in. In the meantime, the track with [Recording Switch] on will record the inputted signal into a new clip, and the new clip will overwrite the clips that are already on the track.
- You can also start recording during playback. The count-in won't be activated in this case.
- Click the [Record] button in the Main Control (Shortcut Key [R]) again during recording to stop recording, but the playback will keep going.
- The recording ends when the playback stops (Shortcut Key [Space])
- Nothing can be edited on the track which is on recording.
- The audio you record each time will be saved in the project folder/Sample/Record.
*Please note that: If you are recording the topline for Converting to MIDI, please make sure you got a clean acapella without any background noise.
3.5 Arrangement
Song creation cannot do without arranging. After creating some MIDI and audio clips, we need to further arrange these clips to meet the needs of the song.
Move Clips
When no selection has been created, dragging the title bar of a clip will create a selection within the range of the clip.
After creating a selection,
- Dragging the title bar of a clip within the selection will move the entire selection (including the clips and blank spaces within the selection);
- Dragging the title bar of a clip outside the selection will reset the selection to the full range of the corresponding clip.
By default, clips will snap to the grid when moved. Holding down [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) allows you to detach from the snap. The moved clip will overwrite any overlapping parts of other clips when the left-click is released.
Copy/Duplicate Clips
You can copy a selection (including the clips and blank spaces within the selection), and paste it at the marker-line position. The pasted clips will overwrite any overlapping clips after the paste.If the selection contains clips from multiple tracks and the track types are incompatible with the clip type, the paste operation will be canceled.You can clone the selection (including the clips and blank spaces within the selection) at its end point by using the duplicate function in the right-click menu or the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+[D] (Windows) / [Command]+[D] (Mac). The duplicate operation follows the same overwrite rules as the paste operation.You can also duplicate a clip by dragging its title bar while holding down the [Alt] key (Windows) / [Option] key (Mac).
Trim/Extend Clips
To trim or extend a clip, hover the mouse cursor on the left or right boundary of the clip title bar. When the mouse pointer changes to "[" or "]", drag horizontally to trim or extend the clip. The trimmed area of the clip will not be played (All notes in the trimmed area will not be synthesised or played even if they have already been synthesized).
- Audio clips can only be trimmed inward, not extended outward.
Split Clips
To split a clip into two independent clips, place the marker-line where you want to split and choose "Split" from the right-click menu or use the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[E] (Windows) or [Command]+[E] (Mac). You can expand the clip to restore the original content after splitting.If a selection is present, the split operation will apply to both the start and end points of the selection.
Consolidate Clips
To consolidate clips by selection, choose "Consolidate" from the right-click menu or use the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[J] (Windows) or [Command]+[J] (Mac). You can join clips and blank spaces within the selection into a new clip.
Arangement Navigation
- Vertical Scrolling: Scroll with your mouse wheel or drag with your mouse middle button.
- Horizontal Scrolling: Scroll horizontally with [Shift] + mouse wheel or mouse middle button; drag horizontally on the time ruler; drag the outlined rectangle on the arrangement overview.
- Horizontal Zooming: Zoom horizontally with [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] + mouse wheel (Mac), or drag vertically on the time ruler.
- Auto Flipping: Once Flipping is turned on during playback, the visible area will automatically flip when the timeline reaches the end of the window. You can set the animation style and timing of Auto flipping in the "General" category of the Preferences.
Create Vocal Doubles
What are Vocal Doubles?
In vocal producing, we usually like to record two more takes on the sides panned anywhere from 50%-100% with a lead vocal or harmony vocal for a wider dimension and fullness.
Right click anywhere on your prepared singer track, and select the [Create vocal doubles for this track] option to open the Vocal Doubles dialog. In this dialog, you can set:
Click [Create] to insert 2 new tracks with vocal doubles below the original singer track. These 2 doubling tracks will be panned 100% on sides with volume being decreased.
3.6 Editing and Tuning
3.6.1 Note Edit

Each note contains information about pitch, start position, duration, lyrics, phoneme, consonant duration, and language.
Each note carries only the pronunciation of one syllable (a group of phonemes containing only one vowel), or serves as a tenuto to extend the pronunciation of the previous note.
Note-Select Tool (shortcut [V]):
- Double-click in a blank space in the grid of the singing editor to create a note with a default duration of 1/2 grid. Drag horizontally to adjust the note duration before releasing the mouse button.
- Double-click in a blank space within the duration of a note to create a tenuto note.
- Click on a note to select it and create a selection range within the duration of the note. The selection range expands to all consonants of this note if there are any consonants.
- Click on a note and hold down [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) while clicking on multiple notes to select them discontinuously and create a selection.
- Click on a note and hold down [Shift], then click on another note or blank space to select a group of consecutive notes and create a selection.
- Drag a selected note to move it to a different position.
- Hover the mouse over the left/right boundary of a note. When the mouse pointer changes to "[" or "]", drag horizontally to adjust the starting position or duration of the note.
- Selected notes can be copied, pasted, duplicated, or deleted; use arrow keys to move notes, with 1 pitch shift per step and 1/2 grid left/right per step; use [Shift] + left/right arrow keys to adjust the duration with 1/2 grid per step; use [Shift] + up/down arrow keys to shift 1 oct up/down per step.
- When performing paste, duplicate, or delete operations, the pitch and AI parameters of the selection range will be processed together.
- When a note is selected, the center of the clip view title bar displays the language of the selected note. You can click any language button to switch.
Note-Brush Tool (shortcut [B]):
- Click on a blank space in the grid of the singing editor to create a note with a default duration of 1/2 grid. Drag horizontally before releasing to adjust the duration of the note to be created.
- Click on a blank space within the duration of an existing note to create a tenuto note.
- Click on a note to select it and create a selection range within the duration of the note. The selection range expands to all consonants of this note if there are any consonants.
- Click on a note and hold down [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) while clicking on multiple notes to select them discontinuously and create a selection.
- Click on a note and hold down [Shift], then click on another note to select a group of notes and create a selection.
- Drag selected notes to move them.
- Hover the mouse over the left/right boundary of a note. When the mouse pointer changes to "[" or "]", drag horizontally to adjust the starting position or duration of the note.
- When using this tool, you can perform various editing operations on selected notes similar to the note-select tool.
Notes are snapped to the grid by default when created, moved, or resized. Holding down [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) allows you to detach them from the grid.
Melodic Principles
Since the human voice can not sing multiple pitches simultaneously, notes can not overlap in time. When notes are moved or stretched, resulting in overlap, the principle of note-start-priority will be followed. Therefore, the duration of the preceding note will be automatically trimmed.
Key Range
The key range in ACE Studio is [E2 - F#6]. Notes below or above this range will be muted. A tenuto below or above this range shall lead to all notes linked to it being muted.
Note-Splitting Tool (shortcut [X]):
After selecting the note splitting tool, clicking on any position of a note will split it into two, resulting in the right proportion becoming a tenuto. The note splitting tool is snapped to the grid by default, and the snap can be detached by holding down the [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command] (Mac) key.
Piano Key PreSound & Scale Mode
When the piano keyboard is clicked, or when a note is clicked, moved, or created, the corresponding pitch will be played in the piano key sound by default. You can click on the speaker icon on the upper left of the piano keys to turn off the presound.When editing a melody with a specific scale, you can open the scale mode to light up the scale on the piano keys and grid with colors or to fold unnecessary keys. After opening, click the small arrow on the right of the scale button to set the key signature and scale type, and click the fold button to hide keys outside the scale.
3.6.2 Editing Navigation
- Vertical scrolling: Use the mouse wheel to scroll vertically, or drag with the middle mouse button.
- Vertical zooming: Use [Ctrl]+[Shift]+mouse wheel (Windows) / [Option]+mouse wheel (Mac), or drag horizontally in the note display area to the left of the piano keyboard.
- Horizontal scrolling: Use [Shift]+mouse wheel to scroll horizontally, or drag with the middle mouse button, or drag horizontally on the time ruler of the singing editor.
- Horizontal zooming: Use [Ctrl] (Windows) / [Command]+mouse wheel (Mac) to zoom horizontally, or drag vertically on the time ruler of the singing editor.
- Auto Flipping: When Flipping is turned on, during playback, the visible area will automatically flip when the timeline reaches the end of the window. You can set the animation style and timing of Auto flipping in the "General" category of the Preferences.
3.6.3 Lyrics Edit

Inputting Lyrics
Double-click on any note to bring up the lyrics input box. After inputting, press [Enter] to fill in the lyrics, press [Tab] to switch to the next note, press [Esc] to cancel editing and end the lyrics input.
Although a note can only carry one syllable, you can still input multiple lyrics on a single note. After pressing [Enter], these lyrics will be automatically calculated and assigned to the subsequent notes.
Chinese Lyrics
You can input Chinese characters or pinyin on notes in Chinese. When inputting pinyin, please separate them with a space. When the input text is not Chinese characters or pinyin, the note will be marked as abnormal.
English Lyrics
You can input an English word or multiple consecutive English words on notes in English. Multi-syllable words will be automatically split into [split words] ending in "#" and a number based on the actual number of syllables. You can also manually input [split words] separately. When inputting text that is not English words, the note will be marked as abnormal.
Japanese Lyrics
You can input kana or romaji on notes in Japanese. When inputting romaji, please separate them with a space. When inputting text that is not kana or romaji, the note will be marked as abnormal.
Tenuto Notes
Input "-" in the lyrics to indicate that the note is a tenuto note.
Lyrics Panel
On the right side of the lyrics input box, you can see the expand button. When you click on it, it will pop up the lyrics panel. You can also summon the lyrics panel by selecting one or more notes and using the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] + [W] (Windows system) / [Command] + [W] (Mac system).
The text box in the lyrics panel displays the lyrics of the currently selected notes. You can edit the lyrics directly in the text box. Click the "Done" button in the upper right corner to fill in the lyrics, or click the "Cancel" button in the upper left corner to cancel the current edit.
Below the lyrics panel, there are:
- "Skip Tenuto Notes" option, which is not checked by default. When checked, it will clear the "-" in the current lyrics panel and skip the tenuto notes when filling in the lyrics.
- "Fill the rest lyrics" option, which is checked by default when entering the lyrics panel from the lyrics input box or selecting a single note. It is not checked by default when selecting multiple notes. When checked, it will fill in the remaining split lyrics one by one on the following notes when filling in the lyrics. If not checked, the split lyrics will not be filled in.
Batch Shift
Right-click on a note to bring up the "Move Lyrics Forward" and "Move Lyrics Backward" options in the menu.When selecting a single note,
- Clicking "Move Lyrics Forward" will refill all lyrics after this note starting from this note, and the last note will be missing lyrics and will be filled with the default lyrics in the current language.
- Clicking "Move Lyrics Backward" will refill all lyrics before this note starting from the second note, and the first note will be missing lyrics and will be filled with the default lyrics in the current language.
When selecting multiple notes,
- Clicking "Move Lyrics Forward" will remove the first lyric of the selected notes, and then refill all lyrics from the first note, and the last note will be missing lyrics and will be filled with the default lyrics in the current language.
- Clicking "Move Lyrics Backward" will remove the last lyric of the selected notes, and then refill all lyrics starting from the second note, and the first note will be missing lyrics and will be filled with the default lyrics in the current language.
3.6.4 Parameters Request
After inputting lyrics, each note will be automatically calculated into the corresponding phoneme of the language. These phonemes are divided into vowels and consonants, which are the pronunciation symbols used in AI synthesis.
The duration of consonants, the pitch, and the AI emotional parameters are synthesized by AI based on the information of notes, lyrics, and the current singer's style, and therefore need to be rendered first before being edited.
3.6.5 Consonant Duration
For lyrics that contain pre-consonants, the energy of speaking or singing is concentrated on the vowels. Therefore, pre-consonants need to be pronounced before the start of the note in order to sing accurately on beat.
After obtaining the default duration of the consonants, pre-consonant blocks arranged in order will be displayed in front of the note. You can drag the left boundary of each pre-consonant to adjust the duration.
In notes without post-consonants, the duration of the vowel is the same as the duration of the note.
After obtaining the duration of the consonant, the end of the note will display post-consonant blocks arranged in order. You can drag the left boundary of the post-consonant to adjust the duration of each. Because the post-consonant is located inside the note, sharing the duration with the vowel, adjusting the duration of the post-consonant will affect the duration of the vowel.
3.6.6 Phoneme Edit
Each phoneme sequence is located above the note. Double-click on the phoneme to bing up the phoneme input box. Spaces are used to separate phonemes. Press [Enter] to fill in the phonemes and complete the input. Press [Esc] to cancel the edit and end the input.
The phonemes you enter must meet the following rules:
- The phoneme must exist in the phoneme dictionary of the current note language. For the phoneme dictionary, please refer to ACE Studio Phoneme List .
- One and only one vowel phoneme exists in each note.
3.6.7 Pitch Tune

The pitch of human voice is non-mechanical. Even when human sings a fixed note, there are fluctuations in pitch at each moment. The variation of pitch is not only a guarantee of naturalness of human voice, but also an important embodiment of astonishing singing performance. After obtaining the notes, phonemes, and consonant durations, the Verse2023 model synthesizes ultra-expressive pitch lines for each AI singer and displays them above the notes.
After selecting one of the Pitch editing tools above, the singing editor grid will enter Pitch editing mode. In this mode, the notes cannot be edited, and it will take a brief moment for AI to synthesize the default Pitch line (referred to as "AI Pitch") for the current clip.
The AI Pitch is presented as a white, semi-transparent line. The Pitch line manually drawn with the Pitch editing tool is presented as a white, opaque line (referred to as "User Pitch"). The User Pitch overlays the AI Pitch, and the overlaid Pitch line will be used for subsequent AI parameter rendering and voice synthesis.
Pitch Brush (Shortcut key [1]):
- Use the left mouse button or digital pen on the singing editor grid to draw continuous User Pitches. Use the right mouse button to erase User Pitches.
- Overlapping pitch anchor points and segments will be erased simultaneously when drawn.
- User pitch drawn in areas without AI Pitch will appear as dashed lines, indicating that the pitch segment is not effective.
Pitch Anchors (Shortcut key [1]):
- After selecting the Pitch brush, click again to select the Pitch Anchor tool from the drop-down menu.
- Double-click to create an anchor point in the singing editor grid to enter connection mode. Click the left mouse button continuously to create multiple anchor points, which will automatically connect into a User Pitch line. Double-click again or use the right mouse button or [Esc] to exit connection mode and complete the drawing of a pitch line.
- During drawing, the anchor point line segment will overlay the User Pitch drawn by the Pitch brush.
- If User Pitch is connected in an area without AI Pitch, the Pitch line segment will also become a dashed line, indicating that the Pitch line segment is not effective.
Pitch Fix Brush (Shortcut key [2]):
Because each singing segment requires context information such as notes, lyrics, and consonant duration for AI pitch synthesis, changes to any of these contextual factors within a synthesized segment or even adjacent segments may require re-synthesizing. Re-synthesizing may cause the AI Pitch within the segment to differ from the previous output due to contextual changes. If you do not want any changes in the contextual factors to affect the AI pitch, you can use the Pitch Fix Brush to brush the AI pitch to the User Pitch with the left mouse button.For more information on segmenting synthesis segments, please refer to [
3.10-AI Parameters and Synthesis].
Pitch Eraser (shortcut key [3]):
Select the Pitch Eraser tool to erase the user pitch by left-clicking.
Vibrato Tool(shortcut key [4]):
Although AI Pitch sometimes generates vibrato effects based on the singer's singing style, if you need precise control over the vibrato, you can use the Vibrato tool.
After selecting the Vibrato tool, drag on a note to create a vibrato envelope that extends backward from the end of the note. Before releasing the mouse button, you can:
- Drag horizontally to adjust the range of the vibrato
- Drag vertically to adjust the amplitude of the vibrato
After releasing the mouse button, you will get the initial vibrato envelope applied to the note. You can then:
- Drag the left boundary to adjust the range of the vibrato
- Drag the upper left corner to adjust the amplitude of the vibrato
- Drag the lower left corner to adjust the phase of the vibrato
- Drag the lower right corner to adjust the frequency of the vibrato
- Drag the middle circles to adjust the envelope for the attack and decay of the vibrato
When editing the vibrato, the white translucent line segment indicates the pitch before the vibrato envelope is applied, while the yellow line segment indicates the pitch after the vibrato envelope is applied.
You can select any vibrato envelope by clicking on it, then edit it or delete it using the [Delete]/[Backspace] key. You can also select multiple vibrato envelopes by dragging a selection around them, then delete them together.
Pitch Modulation (shortcut key [5]):
After selecting the Pitch Modulation tool, drag vertically on a note to adjust the smoothness of the Pitch within the vowel range of the note. The Pitch within the adjusted range will be changed to User Pitch.
You can adjust an individual note, or adjust selected multiple notes.
If you drag on a consonant, the tool will only affect that specific consonant. If you hold down [Shift] while dragging on a note, the tool will affect the entire note range.
3.6.8 AI Parameters Edit

AI Parameter Tab Bar
Click on any tab to switch the AI parameter types displayed in the parameter panel. The default selection is "breath".
When hovering over a non-current parameter tab, you will see an icon of eyes. Clicking on it will overlay the parameter's reference background as a white translucent fill on the current parameter drawing panel.
Breath is a special type of note that can only be added in front of a note when there is enough space of silence in front of it.
If there is enough gap between the notes to add a breath, you can see a light purple area in the parameter panel. Simply click the "+" button on the right side of the area to add a breath there.
You can delete a selected breath note and adjust its length by dragging the left boundary.
Emotion Parameters
The four-dimensional emotion parameters peculiar to ACE Studio are key to creating highly expressive AI singing voices. These parameters, like AI pitch, are synthesized by AI based on the singing style of each AI singer and are displayed as a gradient-colored shape in the parameter panel. Meanwhile, these parameters rely on contextual information from the preceding parameters during synthesizing.
Since each emotion parameter has its own high trend feature, you can influence the real parameter line (referred to as "real parameter") by drawing an envelope line or directly drawing the real parameter.
Click the upper left corner of the parameter drawing panel to switch between envelope drawing mode and real parameter drawing mode.
Different drawing tools are on the left side of the parameter drawing panel in envelope mode:
- Brush: draw continuous envelope lines
- Eraser: erase the drawn envelope line and restore it to the default value of 1
- Straight Line: drag to draw a straight envelope line
In real parameter mode, the following tools are available:
- Brush: draw continuous real parameter lines (referred to as "user real parameters") to overwrit the default AI-generated real parameters for the current singing segment
- Eraser: erase the user real parameters to activate the overlaid AI-generated real parameter
- Fixed Brush: similar to pitch, changes within a synthesized segment will affect the real parameter performance of the entire segment. You can replace the AI-generated real parameter from a previous synthesis with the user real parameter using the fixed brush to avoid the impact of re-synthesis
- Straight Line: drag to draw a straight real parameter line
The four-dimensional emotion parameters are as below:
- Air: the amount of breath during singing
- Falsetto: the amount of falsetto during singing
- Tension: the degree of tension/relaxation of the vocal cords during singing
- Energy: the energy and strength of singing
Please note that exceeding the upper or lower alert line may result in significant synthesis badcases when drawing real parameters.
Used to adjust the formant shift for each moment, only supporting the envelope drawing mode.
3.7 Converting Acapella to MIDI & Phonemes(Beta)

The embedded "Acapella Converting" feature can transform an audio clip of acapella, that is dry vocal without instruments or effects like reverb, into a midi clip. Meanwhile, it will automatically apply the recognized phonemes onto the according midi note.
Drag and drop an audio clip into a singer track, then you can see the "Acapella Converting" window. You can also choose the [AI Plugin]-[Acapella Converting] from the right-click menu by right click on the title-bar of an audio clip.
Confirm the singing language of this acapella in the window, and then click "Convert". You will get the converted MIDI clip after a few moment.
Please do NOTE that:
- "Acapella Converting" only supports one language at one time. If there is more than one language in your vocal clip, please split it into different clips by language.
- Please make sure the source audio clip is pure acapella. Otherwise, it may come out undesirable.
- "Acapella Converting" can recognize phonemes but lyrics. Therefore, the lyrics will be displayed as "?" on the note.
- As for now, this feature is for beta testing.
3.8 Transport

Adjust the tempo by horizontally dragging or double-clicking on the box. If there are multiple tempo tags, the adjusted tempo will only take effect within the current tag range.
Beat Per Bar
Adjust the value by horizontally dragging or double-clicking on the box. Set the number of beats per bar, which will be applied to the time ruler, grid, and metronome.
Return to Start
Clicking this button will jump the timeline or marker-line back to the beginning of the project. Shortcut key: [Enter].
Controlled by the [space] key.
When turned on, the metronome will provide an audible beat corresponding to the current beat settings during playback. The metronome's sound output is independent of the master.
When turned on, the loop brace on the time ruler will be activated. When the timeline reaches the end of the loop brace, it will automatically jump back to the beginning of the loop and continue playing. The minimum precision of the loop brace is one beat. You can use the shortcut key [Ctrl]+[L] (Windows) / [Command]+[L] (Mac) to quickly set the current selection range as the loop brace.
When turned on, the corresponding view will automatically scroll when the timeline reaches the end. You can set the animation method and timing of the auto-flip in the "General" category of the preferences.
3.9 Time Ruler

Beat Scale
Beat scale indicates the bars, beats and sub-beats at the current tempo. When the visual range is reduced, the beat scale will automatically split.
Loop Brace
Click to activate the loop brace, drag to change its position, and drag the head and tail to adjust the range of the loop.
Tempo Tags
The tempo tag determines the tempo between the tag position and the end of the project or the next tag.
- Right-click at any position on the time ruler to add a new tempo tag at the clicked position from the menu.
- Double-click on a tempo tag to enter a numerical value to modify the tempo of that range.
- Hold down [Shift] and select two adjacent tempo tags, right-click, and create a linear tempo change between the two tempo tags from the menu. Right-click again to release the tempo change.
Jump Marker-line/Timeline
Click anywhere on the beat scale to make the marker-line/timeline jump to that position.
3.10 AI Parameters and Synthesis

Consonant duration, pitch, multi-dimensional AI parameters, and the vocals you hear are all synthesized by AI. In order to achieve this uncompromising AI technology and maintain high-performance vocal expression, we utilize cloud synthesising to handle the high-intensity computing demand. After you hit play, you will need to wait briefly before hearing the completed synthesis, during which time you can cancel playback at any time. The synthesising task will continue in the cloud, or you can cancel it directly to edit the clip. Of course, we are continually optimizing the cloud synthesising and reducing the wait time.
During synthesising, the MIDI and pieces being synthesized or queued for synthesising will blink, and the blinking will stop once synthesis is completed. Synthesized pieces are displayed in dark color, while pieces that are not rendered remain in light color.
In AI synthesis, each layer of AI reasoning requires sufficient contextual information while also considering rendering flexibility. Therefore, we introduce synthesis pieces, which means that we divide each MIDI segment into several small vocal pieces based on the note gap size. These pieces are synthesized one after another. You can see the gray-colored shapes on the time ruler of the piano window, which are the smallest vocal units used for synthesis.
If you notice:
- Stuttering in the middle of a sentence, you can check if the pieces are split here and adjust the note gap to change the segmentation result.
- Unstable vocals between two sentences, you can also check if the pieces are split at the point of change and adjust the note gap to merge these two pieces.
3.11 Exporting and Saving
You can save or save the project as a new file in the "File" menu, with the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[S] (Windows) / [Command]+[S] (Mac) for "save" and shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[S] (Windows) / [Command]+[Shift]+[S] (Mac) for "save as".
During project startup, an automatic backup will be made every 10 seconds. The automatic backup will be cleared after a normal exit, but will be preserved in case of unexpected crashes. The ACE Studio will proactively ask if you want to open the backup project at the next launch.
The project will be saved as a folder in the specified directory, which includes:
- Project file *.acep
- "Autosave" folder containing automatic backups during project startup and the last 10 historical manually saved backups
You can move the audio files used in the project into the project folder. If the original audio file path is lost when the project is restarted, ACE Studio will automatically look for it in the project directory.
Export Audio
Clicking the audio export option on the right side of the transport bar will bring up the export settings window. You can export selected tracks and time ranges as audio files in the specified format, with the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[R] (Windows) / [Command]+[Shift]+[R] (Mac).
Select "Export MIDI/Utaformatix file" in the "File" menu to bring up the export settings window. You can export single/multi-track MIDI content within the selection as *.mid or *.ufdata files, with the shortcut keys [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[E] (Windows) / [Command]+[Shift]+[E] (Mac).
In addition to exporting notes, you can also decide whether to include lyrics and phonemes in the export settings window. You can also choose to merge multi-track content into one file or export each and every MIDI track one by one.
3.12 Use VST3/AU: ACE Bridge

To promote the convenience of music production, we have introduced the ACE Bridge virtual instrument plugin in VST3 and AU format. This plugin will be automatically installed when you install ACE Studio.
You can insert the ACE Bridge as a virtual instrument on the MIDI track of your DAW hosts and activate ACE Studio on the plugin panel. This will automatically create an audio bus across the software, sending the Master audio signal of ACE Studio to the track where ACE Bridge is located in the host.
During the connection,
- The playback behavior of the host will synchronize with ACE Studio exclusively. When the host is not playing, you can independently control playback in ACE Studio for vocal tuning work.
- When the host saves its project, ACE Bridge will retain the ACEP project loaded in ACE Studio in the host's project. When you restart the host's project, ACE Bridge will automatically launch ACE Studio and reload this ACEP project. Of course, you can switch to load other ACEP projects at any time in ACE Studio.
Special Settings in DAW
For Studio One users on Windows

Please uncheck this checkbox in the [Audio Setup] preferences of Studio One (Only for Windows) to make sure you can start playback independently in ACE Studio when connected to the ACE Bridge.
For Reaper users
Please uncheck this checkbox in the [Audio] preferences of Reaper to make sure you can start playback independently in ACE Studio when connected to the ACE Bridge.