Tips That Might Help You Make the Most of ACE Studio

Instructions of ACE Studio:

Click here to check Instruction Document for ACE Studio.

And here is a short tutorial playlist that might be useful:

(Note: Some videos will be referenced again under different topics)

Tips might help:

We recommend reviewing these tips to fully utilize the power of ACE Studio.

1. Use top AI singers to showcase

Each our AI vocalist has a native language. You can identify the native language tag in the upper right corner of the avatar in the AI singer library.

For example, If you're producing English songs, we recommend these five singers, especially Bianca, who is our top performer.

2. Many users find ‘Acappella Convert’ very useful.

‘'Acappella Convert' is a feature that converts a dry vocal into a MIDI and lyrics format, providing an easy starting point for projects.

Many users find this feature particularly useful when they have a melody idea in mind and wish to create a demo song from it or when they want to convert a vocal track into a different vocal type.

Check out how to use "Acappella Convert" starting at 1:33 in this video:

Additionally, the dry vocal can be recorded in ACE Studio. You can find the instructions on how to do this here.

3. Create Vocal Doubles in Two Clicks

  1. Right-click on a MIDI clip and select 'Create vocal doubles for this track'.

  2. Click 'Create' on the dialog. This will generate two additional tracks as vocal doubles beneath the original track.

4. The VoiceMix Feature is Incredible.

Don't overlook the VoiceMix feature. It allows users to craft a unique hybrid vocal by blending different voices.

Watch this video for more information:

5. Tuning Emotion Parameters for Improved Results

Pitch editing is straightforward. Unlike Melodyne, our AI regenerates the vocal based on the pitch you modify. Watch this video to learn more about pitch editing:

Emotion parameters are somewhat complex. Parameters like air, falsetto, tension, energy, and formant greatly impact the outcome of singing.

It's challenging to succinctly describe how to tune these parameters for improved results as it varies case by case.

Additionally, you can get a quick understanding of how to use these parameters to achieve different singing effects by watching this short video.

Here are the explanations for each parameter:

Pitch: This refers to the precise pitch curve that the singer will execute.

Air: The larger the air value, the airier the vocal sounds.

Falsetto: The larger the Falsetto value, the more Falsetto will be present in the sound.

Tension: The higher the tension value, the tighter the singer's throat sounds.

Energy: This parameter controls the energy level for each time frame.

Formant: It controls the formant of the voice. The expected result is more natural than traditional DSP-based formant parameters, which are commonly used by many tuning plug-ins.

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