How to Manage Custom Voices?

Enter Manage Voice Page

  1. Click 'Custom Voice' on the top bar of your Account Center (or click here and log in to your ACE Studio account for quick access) .

  2. Find the Project you want to manage, and click on 'Manage voice & collab seat'.

Start Trial & Deploy

Depending on the Training Platform you choose, you may receive one or more training results. However, you typically can only officially activate one of these results (i.e., Deploy to ACE Studio).

If we liken this process to 'photo editing', then multiple training results are like 'multiple refined versions of a single original photo', and deployment is akin to 'selecting and taking away one of those versions'.

Deployment is irreversible and cannot be changed. Therefore, it is recommended that you first Start Trial for each training result and fully experience its performance in the software before deciding which one to deploy.

The trial period for each training result is 72 hours. After expiration, you will not be able to continue using this voice in ACE Studio unless you officially deploy it.

Please note that you need to restart the ACE Studio to see the corresponding AI Singer within the software after Start Trial or Deploy to ACE Studio.

Edit Singer Profile

You can modify the singer's name, avatar, tag, and native language at any time. Your changes will take effect in the software after restarting ACE Studio.

Please note: The native language does not affect the singing ability, but it will impact the default singing language of your custom singer within the software.

Edit Voice

  1. You can blend the timbre and style of other official singers into your custom singer. This modification is effective for all collaborating users.

  2. After each modification and save, re-drag the singer from the "Singer List" into the "Singer Track" within the ACE Studio software, and the newly edited voice will take effect within the software.


  1. Click "Register with UserID" and enter the UID of another ACE Studio user into a "Collab Seat" to share the AI singer that has been deployed in this project with that user. (You do not need to register your own UID here.) →see How to Find UID here

  2. You can clear or change registration at any time, thus freely controlling the usage rights of the AI singer.

  3. Only Custom Voices that have been deployed will be shared with collaborators; those in trial will not be shared.
  4. Sharing is based on the project. This means that if multiple voice versions have been deployed in this training project, they will all be shared with collaborators.

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